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Adelaide大学Master of Teaching课程更替通知


There  has been a significant change to our teaching programs and their admission  criteria. The Master of Teaching is no longer being offered at the  university, and has been replaced by Master  of Teaching (Middle and Secondary). In  addition, there is now an additional non-academic entry requirement for  all teacher education programs across Australia. As such, your offer  dated 27 October 2017 has been withdrawn. If you pass the additional entry  requirement, we will issue you a new offer for the new version of this  program.


Applicants  must demonstrate their suitability for study and work in the teaching profession  by showing their understanding of, and experiences with seven key capabilities  associated with successful teaching:


 Motivation  to teach

 Strong  interpersonal and communication skills

 Willingness  to learn


 Belief  in your ability to succeed


 Organisational  and planning skills


The  University of Adelaide will assess your non-academic capabilities through a  teacher capability statement (TCS). You should submit a written statement  between 400 and 600 words, and address the above capabilities via the following  three statements:


               Question 1. Explain  what you think teaching involves.

               Question 2. Outline  the personal and academic qualities you possess that will enable you to become  an effective teacher.

               Question 3. Describe  your attitude to learning and provide and example of something your have learned  that was meaningful.


Further  instructions:


Regard  each question as important and address each one individually

Where  possible, address each of the capabilities

Provide  evidence where possible for a statement (i.e. do not write “I have strong  resilience in life and deal with challenges happily” but “my resilience is  demonstrated by the fact that during Year 12 I was sick for a month with glandular fever and…”

Evidence  is sometimes relevant to more than one capability – it is acceptable to include  relevant examples in addressing more than on capability

Keep  to the word limit of between 400-600 words

